22 March 2010


kepada semua yang singgah membaca blog ni
hari ni aku dapat satu award daripada
terima kasih yang amat banyak
aku terima dengan suka hati


Upon receiving this award, I am entirely aware of the circumstances and the future set in for me. So, it have its own fobiddens.
1.Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.


1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award

terima kasih yang infiniti buat
nak kenali beliau?
klik la link kat atas tu
ape lagi?
jom singgah ramai-ramai bace blog beliau

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you have recently discovered and think are fantastic

aku dah tak tau nak list blog sape la

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they have won the award

yeah!!! semestinya aku akan contact hang pa

4. State 7 things about yourself

*hari-hari aku makan*
*hari-hari aku mandi*
*sangat suka membace termasuk bace sign board*
*suka makan tom yam, daging masak merah, sotong celup tepung*
*aku tau basurah banjar*
*suka cerita tomatoman*
*aku bukan politikus*

terima kasih lagi sekali =)

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